The Belarusian-Chinese friendship relies on the similarity of domestic and foreign policy principles

 Nikolai Snopkov



       The Belarusian-Chinese friendship relies on the similarity of domestic and foreign policy principles, Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration Nikolai Snopkov said at a meeting of the Belarusian-Chinese intergovernmental committee for cooperation.
      “The ties of friendship between Belarus and China have been developing actively and successfully for 24 years. Similar domestic and foreign policy principles and shared views on the most pressing issues on the global agenda are key to our friendship,” Nikolai Snopkov noted. For his part, Meng Jianzhu, Secretary of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China, emphasized the high level of trust between the countries. He pointed out that the meeting should not only review the achieved results but also identify the weak points and work out measures to eliminate them to expand the scope of interaction and strengthen all-round strategic cooperation.

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Hallo liebes Radio und ALLES GUTE zum 34.Geburtstag der deutschen Redaktion. So lange kenne ich Radio Belarus noch gar nicht, aber wenn Du liebe Jana und liebe Elena die nächsten 34 Jahre hier weiterhin am Start seit, dann bin ich es als Hörer auch, versprochen!! :-) ) LG Dietmar


Lieber Dietmar,

vielen Dank für Deine Glückwünsche!!
Ich bin auch nicht vom Anfang an hier. Wollen wir trotzdem so viel wie möglich zusammen bleiben! ;)
Liebe Grüße und alles Gute


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