Main infrastructure in China-Belarus industrial park’s starting zone ahead of schedule


          The main operations to build the infrastructure in the starting zone of the primary development area in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone will be completed ahead of schedule in September 2016. The information was released during the recent meeting of Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Anatoly Kalinin and general representative of China Merchants Group in Central Asia and the Baltic states, Chief Executive Officer of Industrial Park Development Company Hu Zheng in Minsk, the press service of the Belarusian government reported.
The meeting focused on civil engineering projects in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone. In January-June 2016 the construction of roads and engineering networks, gas distribution lines was completed in the primary development area of the park. Engineering infrastructure is nearly ready.

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Hallo liebes Radio und ALLES GUTE zum 34.Geburtstag der deutschen Redaktion. So lange kenne ich Radio Belarus noch gar nicht, aber wenn Du liebe Jana und liebe Elena die nächsten 34 Jahre hier weiterhin am Start seit, dann bin ich es als Hörer auch, versprochen!! :-) ) LG Dietmar


Lieber Dietmar,

vielen Dank für Deine Glückwünsche!!
Ich bin auch nicht vom Anfang an hier. Wollen wir trotzdem so viel wie möglich zusammen bleiben! ;)
Liebe Grüße und alles Gute


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Rakitniza - 106.2 MHz
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29.12.2021 Program Block 1
29.12.2021 Program Block 2