Belarus to continue negotiating financial services market access conditions with WTO in 2016


      In 2016 Belarus will continue negotiations with WTO member states to discuss conditions of access to the financial services market, we learned from Belarus president decree No. 505 published on the website of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB).
Belarus and the WTO members will also discuss systemic matters concerning the country’s accession to the WTO.
Close attention will be paid to the harmonization of the financial and currency legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union member states in 2016. Plans have been made to expand mutually beneficial ties between the banking systems of Belarus and Russia.
       In 2016 cooperation with international financial institutions will continue as part of the efforts to implement the previously agreed directions of technical aid. Ways of providing expert assistance in topical matters of the country’s central bank’s operation will be determined.
The implementation of the major monetary management guidelines in 2016 is expected to slow down inflation processes and secure macroeconomic and financial stability.

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Hallo liebes Radio und ALLES GUTE zum 34.Geburtstag der deutschen Redaktion. So lange kenne ich Radio Belarus noch gar nicht, aber wenn Du liebe Jana und liebe Elena die nächsten 34 Jahre hier weiterhin am Start seit, dann bin ich es als Hörer auch, versprochen!! :-) ) LG Dietmar


Lieber Dietmar,

vielen Dank für Deine Glückwünsche!!
Ich bin auch nicht vom Anfang an hier. Wollen wir trotzdem so viel wie möglich zusammen bleiben! ;)
Liebe Grüße und alles Gute


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