Expert: BelNPP qualified staff may become a promising export item for Belarus

Qualified personnel of the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant (BelNPP) may become a very promising export item for Belarus, Director of the A.V. Lykov Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB), Chairman of the National Commission for the Safe Use of Atomic Energy under the Council of Ministers Oleg Penyazkov said during a round table discussion hosted by BelTA.

“There is a certain staff turnover problem, as in all industrial enterprises. After all, it is not enough just to hire specialists, it is necessary to retain them. In this regard, training is one of the key issues here,” Oleg Penyazkov said.
In his words, the BelNPP is one of Rosatom's best and exemplary facilities. “We are the first international unit, due to which the station's operation is subject to a lot of attention from external players and countries that are planning to build their own plants. That is why it is important to address personnel issues, including those in accordance with Rosatom's long-term strategy,” the institute director added.
According to him, it is necessary to take into account the possible construction of other power units and the subsequent participation of our specialists in such projects. “The plant is needed not only to generate electricity. With the right approach, we create conditions for our work in foreign technological markets. Trained and qualified personnel can become a very promising export item for Belarus, which we did not have before. We should keep this opportunity in mind and consider it as a long-term perspective,” Oleg Penyazkov said.
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