Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko voiced plans to visit Chernobyl-affected regions of Belarus

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko voiced plans to visit Chernobyl-affected regions of the country as he heard out a report by the officials in charge of fire safety and maintenance of agricultural vehicles.

“Today is a traditionally sad day that marks the 32nd anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. Today I will fly to Southern Belarus, to the districts affected by the disaster. First of all, I want to see the status of the sowing campaign and learn how my instructions on the use of undeveloped farm lands are carried out. If we can add some more areas to the farm lands used today, we should do this in April and May. Fodder conservation and harvest campaign will make you so busy that you will not have the time to plough additional lands and bring them to proper condition”, said Belarus President.

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28.04.24 - 18.00
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