The Belarusian embassy in Madrid has set up a helpline in the wake of the recent attacks in Spain

     The Belarusian embassy in Madrid has set up a helpline in the wake of the recent attacks in Spain, reporters learned from the Twitter account of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
“In the wake of the recent terror attacks in Spain the Belarusian embassy in Madrid has established a helpline: +34645577379,” the ministry said.
Belarusian nationals staying in Spain are advised against visiting the sites of the terror attacks and are also asked to avoid crowds. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses sincere condolences to the loved ones of the victims of the terror attacks in Spain and wishes a speedy recovery to those injured,” the ministry added.

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23.20 Bélarus d’aujourd’hui (FR)

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02.05.24 - 18.00
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