The 19th international festival of animated films Animayevka 2016 will take place in Mogilev and Mogilev Oblast on 27-30 October

        The 19th international festival of animated films Animayevka 2016 will take place in Mogilev and Mogilev Oblast on 27-30 October, the organizing committee of the festival informed.
This year the forum will feature 381 films from 45 countries, including Austria, Argentina, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, the UK, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Israel, India, Iran, Spain, Italy, and other countries. Venezuela, Cyprus, Macedonia, Finland and Croatia will take part in the forum for the first time. The festival commission of experts has selected 103 animated films from 34 countries for the competition program of the festival. All of them will be seen by a big international jury that will be headed by Honored Figure of Art of the Russian Federation Leonid Nosyrev. The festival will also showcase 439 children’s works of fine and applied art from Belarus, Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Russia.

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Teraz odtwarzane:
09.20 Zivilgesellschaft (DE)

09.40 Integration und Vielfalt (DE)

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FM-nadajniki i częstotliwości:
Rakitnica - 106.2 MHz
Grodno - 95.7 MHz
Świsłocz - 104.4 MHz
Geraniony - 99.9 MHz
Brasław - 106.6 MHz
Miadzioł102.0 MHz


22.06.24 - 18.00
23.06.24 - 17.00
23.06.24 - 18.00