Polotsk to host Skaryna Days in September

St. Sophia Cathedral in the ancient town of Polotsk

      The national children and youth forum Skaryna Days in Polotsk 2016 dedicated to the Belarusian Written Language Day will take place in the ancient Belarusian town on 1-3 September, BelTA learned from the press service of the Polotsk District Executive Committee.

The forum held in the run-up to the Belarusian Written Language Day will bring together the representatives of the Belarusian towns partaking in the initiative the Child-Friendly Town. Besides, Polotsk will welcome guests from Russia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

The forum will be dedicated to famous Polosk native Francysk Skaryna. Gymnasium No. 1 will host the Skaryna Olympiad in the Belarusian language and literature, history, and elocution for school and university students on 2 September. The forum will include the creative project Descendants of Skaryna featuring the interactive quest Gates of History, the contest of video clips Language Starts with You, etc.

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Teraz odtwarzane:
06.20 Cultural Front (EN)

06.40 Popular Diplomacy (EN)

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20.06.24 - 17.00
20.06.24 - 18.00