Easier to find job in Kazakhstan for citizens of EEU countries

          Kazakhstan has abolished restrictions on the recognition of diplomas issued in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. Prior to that, only those documents that were issued after January 1, 2015 were recognized. Everyone else had to confirm the diploma. Now it will be easier to find a job in Kazakhstan for the citizens of the EEU countries.x
Kazakhstan has abolished restrictions on the recognition of diplomas issued in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. Prior to that, only those documents that were issued after January 1, 2015 were recognized. Everyone else had to confirm the diploma. Now it will be easier to find a job in Kazakhstan for the citizens of the EEU countries.

transmisje internetowe
Teraz odtwarzane:
17.20 Voices of the Century (EN)

17.40 Generation Next (EN)

Niezawodny Internet Broadcasting
Niezawodny nadawanie
konkurs selfie

FM-nadajniki i częstotliwości:
Rakitnica - 106.2 MHz
Grodno - 95.7 MHz
Świsłocz - 104.4 MHz
Geraniony - 99.9 MHz
Brasław - 106.6 MHz
Miadzioł102.0 MHz


22.06.24 - 18.00
23.06.24 - 17.00
23.06.24 - 18.00