Belarus interested in long-term ties with major Japanese corporations


      Belarus is interested in advancing long-term ties with major corporations in Japan. The relevant ideas were discussed during the meeting of Belarusian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Valentin Rybakov and a delegation of the Belarus-Japan friendship group of the Japanese parliament on 20 July, BelTA has learned. The delegation was led by the group’s head Genichiro Sata, the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported.
    During the meeting Valentin Rybakov underlined that Belarus represents an excellent platform for setting up and developing joint ventures to make high-quality competitive products on the basis of Japanese technologies. It is an excellent platform for consequently selling these products on the large market of the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union market.

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09.20 Reiseführer durch Belarus (DE)

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