Draft 2016 budget of the Belarus-Russia Union State submitted to Union State PA


The draft 2016 budget of the Belarus-Russia Union State was submitted to the Union State Parliamentary Assembly, the press service of the Parliamentary Assembly reports. The Belarus-Russia Union State Treaty stipulates that the draft budget needs to pass two readings and be adopted at a session of the Parliamentary Assembly. After that, the document will be submitted for approval to the Union State Supreme State Council. At present, the budget funds are spent on the implementation of all the planned programs, projects and events within the limits of one forth of the 2015 budget per one quarter of a year.


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21.00 Nachrichten (DE)

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Rakitnica - 106.2 MHz
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22.06.24 - 18.00
23.06.24 - 17.00
23.06.24 - 18.00