Italian car manufacturers eye Belarus while aiming for EEU market

Alexander Guryanov

         Italian car manufacturers are exploring the possibility of establishing presence in Belarus with a view to entering the market of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), Alexander Guryanov said. On 22 December he was appointed the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Italy, Permanent Representative of Belarus to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on concurrent.
       Italy is Belarus’ partner in the European Union. The countries cooperate in a number of fields. “The development of economic cooperation with such countries as Italy is among our priorities,” Alexander Guryanov noted. The diplomat pointed out that the mutual trade has decreased in recent years.
“This is why we have a direct instruction from the President to implement joint projects, boost trade, and take care of other aspects,” he stressed.
      Belarus took an active part in the universal exhibition Expo Milano 2015. Alexander Guryanov believes now it is time to transform the established contacts into practical cooperation beneficial for Belarus.
As for joint projects, the diplomat stressed that the countries have “quite strong cooperation ties.

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