Belarus interested in energy, agriculture and transport projects within SCO

Within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Belarus is interested in projects in energy, agriculture and transport, Belarus’ Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei said in an interview with the Belarus 1 TV channel.

"We seek cooperation with this organization not just to get something from it, as someone argued. No. We intend and are ready to contribute to the development of this organization,” said Vladimir Makei. He expressed confidence that Belarus' participation would be beneficial to the organization.

Vladimir Makei noted that the observer status is the possibility for Belarus to participate more actively in the SCO. “We cooperated with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to a certain extent before. But, let's just say, the cooperation did not rely on the systemic basis,” he explained.

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Teraz odtwarzane:
00.20 Business in Belarus (EN)

00.40 Made in Belarus (EN)

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12.06.24 - 17.00
12.06.24 - 18.00