Lukashenko wants maximally favorable terms in agricultural exports

       Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko demands maximally favorable terms for the country’s agricultural exports. The Belarusian leader made this statement in a government meeting.
“We should turn our face towards trade. We can have a 25% gain there as minimum. We should trade as true capitalists do: go around the world, offer products. No doubt food will be in demand,” the President stressed.
       Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Vladimir Gusakov said that the agro-industrial complex had recently faced different conditions and integration processes made their contribution in this. Belarus has developed its agricultural development concept through 2020. The document which is under governmental consideration at the moment has been designed to turn the country into a big agricultural exporter.

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23.20 Bélarus d’aujourd’hui (FR)

23.40 Golden fund of Belarusian Radio (EN)

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30.05.24 - 17.00
30.05.24 - 18.00