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Greetings from Sheryl Paszkiewicz from Wisconsin

Sheryl writes: "Greetings to Belarus from the USA. My grandfather came to Wisconsin from Poland in 1911. However, I recently learned that my surname, Paszkiewicz, is Belarusian. I am very excited to hear news from Belarus and to learn more about your country. I used to listen on shortwave and can now hear Radio Belarus very clearly online.Wishing all the best to the people of Belarus for the future - Sheryl Paszkiewicz".




transmisje internetowe
Teraz odtwarzane:
02.00 Belarús de la A a la Z (ES)

02.20 Bélarus de A à Z (FR)

Niezawodny Internet Broadcasting
Niezawodny nadawanie
konkurs selfie

FM-nadajniki i częstotliwości:
Rakitnica - 106.2 MHz
Grodno - 95.7 MHz
Świsłocz - 104.4 MHz
Geraniony - 99.9 MHz
Brasław - 106.6 MHz
Miadzioł102.0 MHz


16.01.25 - 17.00
16.01.25 - 18.00