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Hugo Matten

Yes, now it worked with my yahoo e-mail address!
Thanks for your help.
Greetings from Belgium
Hugo Matten

You're welcome :)

Hugo Matten

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

I recently found that the e-mail address radio_belarus@tvr.by on this website does not work?
Best regards
Hugo Matten

Dear Mr.Matten, it seems to be working on our side though. Please, try again, or email us via a different browser/email service. Hope that helps :)


Dear Madame, Dear Sir,
Many thanks for the interesting and nice package which I host last week by post! I' am really appreciated that !
Best regards from Belgium

Hugo Matten,

You're welcome :) Stay tuned!

Kevin Zhao










Hello from Gent in Belgium ,

Since the 1 of april your station is off air on 279 khz Long Wave. And I did love to listen to it late at night we will miss it a lot. I'm 57 years of age and listen to the radio for more than 45 years as a hobby on MW , LW and SW.

Please comeback on air on 279 khz LW !

All the best from Gent in Belgium

73 Herman

Dear Herman, you can still listen to us via the Internet and satellites. Stay tuned. 73!

Hugo Matten

To: Radio Belarus
English language service

From: Hugo Matten,
Krommegrachtstraat 2
BELGIUM (Europe)

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

First of all, thanks to my report for "Belarus-1" to send to them and also thanks in advance for sending us some souvenirs of your station. (see on Guestbook Sat, 04/02/2016 - 21:37).

I have much pleasure in informing you that I heard also an English language programme of Radio Belarus on the short wave and I hope you will be intere¬sted in the following recepti¬on report :

TO RADIO: Radio Belarus
DATE: March 30, 2016
TIME: 20.00 - 20.30 UTC
FREQUENCY: 11730 kHz
• Signal strength =3 = Fair
• Interference = 4 = Slight
• Noise: = 3 = Moderate
• Propagation disturbance = 3 = Moderate
• Overall merit = 3 = Fair

ANTENNA: T2FD 17 metres long

To make sure that I have been listening, here are some details to identify the programme I heard:
The broadcast was in the English language.
At 20.00 UTC the identification done by a male presenter: “You are listening to Radio Station Belarus”
- Between 20.00 and 20.07 I heard “The News Bulletin” It was done by a male. In it about the Belarus neutral position on Ukraine crisis and at 20.06 about Minsk targets Riga and Tbilisi with latest tourism campaign.
- At 20.11 information about “Belarus 24 channel”.
- At 20.13 information about the programmes of Radio Belarus done by a female presenter. I heard also the link of the Radio Belarus website.
- Between 20.15 and 20.19 your programme brought an instrumental song.
- At 20.20 the programme “Made in Belarus” In it about “The Flora House”
After 20.26 very bad reception of Radio Belarus.

I am very proud of having been able to hear your station from Belarus.
Since April 1, I think the broadcasts stopped on the short wave! A pity, I found it an ideal way, to through my short wave radio, to learn more and interesting information about Belarus.

If this report is found to be correct, I would appreciate it very much if you will send me a QSL confirmation card or confirmation letter, mentioning the date, time and frequency of reception,

Thanking you in advance for your reply.

Best regards,

Hugo Matten

Dear Mr. Matten, thank you for listening to Radio "Belarus" International :) We've already sent you a package via post. Stay tuned!

He tengfei



Hugo Matten


To: Radio Belarus

From: Hugo Matten,
Krommegrachtstraat 2
Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

I have much pleasure in informing you that I heard a programme of Radio Belarus on the long wave and I hope you will be intere­sted in the following recepti­on report :

TO RADIO: Radio Belarus
DATE: March 31, 2016
TIME: 19.00 - 19.45 UTC = between 22h00 and 22h45 your local time
· Signal strength: Fair
· Interference: Slight
· Noise: Severe to Moderate
· Propagation disturbance: moderate
· Overall merit: Poor to Fair
ANTENNA: Wellbrook ALA-1530 directional loop antenna

To make sure that I have been listening, here are some details to identify the programme I heard:

The broadcast was in the Russian or in the Belarusian language.

- Between 19.00 and 19.05 I heard an information programme, I think it was “The News Bulletin” It was done by a female:

- At 19.05, after “The News Bulletin” I heard the identification done by a male.

- Between 19.05 and 19.40 your programme was a radio play. In the background I heard sometimes instrumental music.

A pity, because I did not understand the language,so it was for me impossible to understand the contents of the programme.

As my hobby is listening to remote radios on medium- and long wave for 35 years now. Mostly I listen to broadcast stations and I have been sending reception reports to this sometimes far-away stations. Thereby I received beautiful verification cards and letters (= QSL's) for in my collecting of album.

I'm 63 years old and I live in little village near Veur­ne in Belgium. That’s about 10 Km from the France frontier and about 10 Km from the North Sea coast.

I am very proud of having been able to hear your station from Belarus.

If this report is found to be correct, I would appreciate it very much if you will send me a QSL confirmation card or confirmation letter, mentioning the date, time and frequency of reception,

Thanking you in advance for your reply.

Best regards,

Hugo Matten

Dear Mr.Matten, you've probably been listening not to Radio "Belarus" International, but to "Belarus-1" Radio Channel. We've redirected your message to them, but we're still going to send you a couple of souvenirs from our radio. By the way, you can listen to Radio "Belarus" International in both French and English if you like. Check out the webcast schedule on our site.

John C.

It is with great sadness that I heard the news that Radio Belaris was going off the air effective 1April. What a shame. The past three years I have been interested in Shortwave DXing, your station has been one of my favorites to try and listen to in the Eastern US state of Pennsylvania. Many days I tried and was unable to bring your signal in, but on days that I could hear it here I was always impressed ith the programming information and I liked the music. I learned things about your great country and citizens that I probably would have never learned unless I heard in on the SW radio.

Those who are in control of the purse strings don't seem to realize how important your broadcasts are and were to many of us in the USA wanting to learn about Belarus, a country that until recently has been shrouded in mystery. When I could get your station in I learned a little more each week about Belarus and why it is important in the world. Thank you for what you taught me. I will miss learning more through your broadcasts. Good luck and God bless all of you in the English section. I will miss you......

Dear John C., thank you very much for your kind words. You can continue learning about Belarus via our Internet site, webcast and Galaxy 19 satellite. We encourage you to give it a try. Stay tuned)

Jean-Michel Aubier

Bonjour; confirmez-vous l'arrêt de vos émissions sur ondes courtes au 1er avril 2016 ? Est-ce une décision définitive ? Pourriez-vous diffuser via l'Allemagne (émetteur de Kall Krekel) comme vos collègues germanophones) ? Merci

Pour le moment nous continuons toujours de diffuser aux ondes courtes. Voici nous fréquences de 27.03.2016 à 30.10.2016:
de 14.00 a 02.00 (heure locale, soit 11.00 - 23.00 UTC) sur 11 730 kHz;
de 20.05 a 02.00 (heure locale, soit 17.05 - 23.00 UTC) sur 11 930 kHz.
Pour être au courant des changements éventuels, suivez les mises à jour sur notre page web.


Liebe Frau Mantel,
vielen Dank für Ihre Mitteilung. Wir werden Ihre Meinung sowie die Meinungen anderer Abstimmungsteilnehmer unbedingt berücksichtigen.

Wir möchten auch bemerken, dass die Stimmanzahl laut den Regeln des „Selfie“-Wettbewerbs kein einziges Kriterium bei der Feststellung der Sieger und Preisträger ist.

Freundliche Grüße aus Minsk,
das Team von Radio Belarus

Sun shulin



Michał Górski

"Witam Całe "Radio Białoruś".
Dzień Dobry.
Nazywam się Michał Górski. Mam 16 lat. Jestem z Polski. Mieszkam w Żyrardowie.
Od pewnego czasu wieczorami słucham na falach średnich lub falach krótkich "Radio Białoruś".
Na falach średnich "Radio Białoruś" słucham na częstotliwości 1170 kHz, a na falach krótkich na 11730 kHz lub 11930 kHz.
Odbiór "Radia Białoruś" zwłaszcza na falach średnich jest u mnie bardzo dobry.
Bardzo podobają mi się audycje nadawane przez "Radio Białoruś". Moim zdaniem są one bardzo interesujące.
Jako dowód odbioru przeze mnie "Radia Białoruś" na falach średnich, mogę wysłać do Państwa 18.-sekundowe nagranie przedstawiające odbiór "Radia Białoruś" na radioodbiorniku samochodowym.
Nagranie to wykonałem dnia 2 marca 2016 roku w Warszawie, o godzinie 17:05 ( według czasu obowiązującego w Polsce).
W związku z powyższym, jeśli Państwo możecie, to Uprzejmie Proszę o wysłanie przez Państwa na mój adres zamieszkania karty QSL. Będę za to Państwu ogromnie wdzięczny.
Pozdrawiam Wszystkich Państwa.
-Michał Górski - Słuchacz "Radio Białoruś"-
Mój adres zamieszkania, to:
Michał Górski
ul. Generała W. Sikorskiego 10 B
96-300 Żyrardów.

Szanowny Michale!
Dziękujemy za wiadomość. Cieszymy się, że podobają się Tobie nasze audycje. QSL karta została wysłana na podany adres.
Z poważaniem
redakcja polskojęzyczna radia "Białoruś".

Adam Wiśniewski

"Dzień Dobry, "Radio Białoruś"

Nazywam się Adam Wiśniewski, mieszkam w centralnej Polsce, 40 km od Warszawy.

Często wieczorami odbieram "Radio Białoruś" na falach średnich (na częstotliwości 1170 kHz), oraz na falach krótkich (na częstotliwości 11730 kHz).
Od czasu do czasu, odbieram też "Radio Białoruś" na 96,9 MHz z nadajnika w Grodnie.
Jest mi bardzo przyjemnie, gdy słucham "Radio Białoruś".
Życzę całemu "Radio Białoruś" wszystkiego najlepszego, sukcesów oraz powodzenia w przyszłości.

Bardzo proszę, o wysłanie na mój adres zamieszkania karty QSL.

Pozdrawiam Państwa.
Z niecierpliwością czekam na Państwa odpowiedź.

Z Wyrazami Szacunku:
Adam Wiśniewski.
Słuchacz "Radio Białoruś" z Polski".

Mój adres zamieszkania, to:

Adam Wiśniewski
Nowy Modlin
Nowy Modlin 6
05-180 Pomiechówek

Szanowny Panie Adamie!
Dziękujemy za komentarz i życzenia.
QSL karta zostanie wysłana na Pana adres.




Craig Jordan

Dear Radio Belarus,

I was listening to the webcast of 03/09/2016 between 1700 - 1725 UTC to the following programs:

1700 -1711 Daily news review
1711 - 1720- Welcome to Belarus
- featured: Mogilev Region and Niasvizh
1720-1725 Belarus Economic Opportunities.

I have an interest in Belarus and the Belarusian culture. Belarus is not well known to us here in the United States. It is hoped that Belarus continues to promote its own identity to the world. This broadcast is very helpful in that regard.

Does Radio Belarus issue QSL cards? If so, I would like to request one as a souvenier. I can be contacted at

Craig Jordan
8145 Port Royale Way
Sacramento, CA 95823-6625
United States of America

Thank you and best regards

Dear Craig, thank you very much for such kind words! We've already sent you a letter with a QSL and some souvenirs :) Stay tuned.




Kevin Zhao



Emisión por internet
23.00 Belarús en la comunidad mundial (ES)

23.20 Bélarus dans la communauté mondiale (FR)

Horario en internet
Horario de emisión por satélite (ver parámetros de recepción aquí)
concurso de autofotos
Nuestras frecuencias

FM-transmisores y frecuencias:

Rakitnitsa - 106.2 МHz
Grodno - 95.7 МHz
Svisloch - 104.4 МHz
Gueraneny - 99.9 МHz
Braslav - 106.6 МHz
Myadel - 102.0 МHz

Radiodifusión por satélite:

ver parámetros de recepción aquí



Las emisiones