Here you can leave your messages.
Hier können sie ihre Meldungen, Wünsche und Empfehlungen schreiben.
Dear Mr.Matten, it seems to be working on our side though. Please, try again, or email us via a different browser/email service. Hope that helps :)
You're welcome :) Stay tuned!
Dear Herman, you can still listen to us via the Internet and satellites. Stay tuned. 73!
Dear Mr. Matten, thank you for listening to Radio "Belarus" International :) We've already sent you a package via post. Stay tuned!
Dear Mr.Matten, you've probably been listening not to Radio "Belarus" International, but to "Belarus-1" Radio Channel. We've redirected your message to them, but we're still going to send you a couple of souvenirs from our radio. By the way, you can listen to Radio "Belarus" International in both French and English if you like. Check out the webcast schedule on our site.
Dear John C., thank you very much for your kind words. You can continue learning about Belarus via our Internet site, webcast and Galaxy 19 satellite. We encourage you to give it a try. Stay tuned)
Pour le moment nous continuons toujours de diffuser aux ondes courtes. Voici nous fréquences de 27.03.2016 à 30.10.2016:
de 14.00 a 02.00 (heure locale, soit 11.00 - 23.00 UTC) sur 11 730 kHz;
de 20.05 a 02.00 (heure locale, soit 17.05 - 23.00 UTC) sur 11 930 kHz.
Pour être au courant des changements éventuels, suivez les mises à jour sur notre page web.
Szanowny Michale!
Dziękujemy za wiadomość. Cieszymy się, że podobają się Tobie nasze audycje. QSL karta została wysłana na podany adres.
Z poważaniem
redakcja polskojęzyczna radia "Białoruś".
Szanowny Panie Adamie!
Dziękujemy za komentarz i życzenia.
QSL karta zostanie wysłana na Pana adres.
Dear Craig, thank you very much for such kind words! We've already sent you a letter with a QSL and some souvenirs :) Stay tuned.
FM-transmisores y frecuencias:
Rakitnitsa - 106.2 МHz
Grodno - 95.7 МHz
Svisloch - 104.4 МHz
Gueraneny - 99.9 МHz
Braslav - 106.6 МHz
Myadel - 102.0 МHz
Radiodifusión por satélite:
ver parámetros de recepción aquí
You're welcome :)