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Maybe ask Channel292 as broadcast partner. Sadly, the SW station Brest doesn't exist anymore, but maybe you can rent airtime at a Russian SW station. There are quite a handful of them still out there.

Marco, we'll look into it. Thanks!

Paul Karsten

Hello friends ! Why did you stop your broadcasts via shorwaveservice ? Best regards

Hello, Paul. It was our rebroadcasting partner's decision. We're working on returning to SW. 73!

Hugo Ramon Toledo

Hello radio belarus i am listening from argetina , I hope to be able to apply for a QSL card , these are my beginnings in short wave my callsign for Dx is LU-LU4AA-0245 . greetings

Dear Hugo, thank you very much for your comment! Please, tell us your postal address and we'll send you a QSL along with some souvenirs via regular mail. 73 :)

Ding Lu

Dear radio Belarus International :
I am a listener from China. Today I received your English language program signal at 18:00-18:30 UTC . The frequency is 3985KHz , the signal is very strong, the listening effect is very clear.
Here I want to apply for a paper QSL card(not E-QSL) from the RBI Radio , if there are souvenirs with RBI Radio's logo, it would be even better.
My listening report is as follows:
Receiving time: January 20, 2022 18:00-18:30UTC
Receiving frequency: 3985KHz
Receiving language : English
Receiving equipment: Tecsun DR-910 radio with External antenna
Receiving location: Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, China
Reception: Very clear, basically no noise interference.

I wish Radio RBI 's all staff Happy New Year! In the new year, good health, all the best! I also wish the Radio RBI better and better!

Ding Lu, China
Looking forward to receiving your reply! Thanks!
Best wishes

Dear Ding Lu, thank you very much for your report! We'll send you a QSL and some souvenirs ASAP. Happy New Year to you too :) Best regards, RBI

Sultan Mahmud Sarker

English Service
Radio Belarus.
2021 is gone from us. New Year's greetings. May the new year bring new success, happy peace and prosperity in the lives of you and your family. I pray this. I wish you all the best, happiness and peace in your life. Happy New Year-2022
Sultan Mahmud Sarker
Shetu Radio Fan Club

Dear Sultan Mahmud Sarker, thank you very much for your comment! Happy New Year 2022 to you too :)

Shivendu Paul

Letter No- 14(10/2021)30 December 2021 DearEnglish ServiceRadio Belarus MerryChristmas and Happy New Year 2022. Greetings to all staff and listeners of Radio Belarus. I am Shivendu Paul,West Bengal, India, a regular listener of Radio Belarus.   Please send me details or questionsabout the International competition of Radio Belarus?  InIndia Christmas and New Year celebrates different parts of our country. ManyChurch decorated lightings, events. I also visited a Church.   Allcommunities’ people gathered there. Most of the people celebrated New Yeartraveling to local tourist places and enjoyed doing group picnics. Cake is aspecial food for everyone.Thankyou for talking about the Christmas Eve Fair, New Year traditions in yourprogram .  On 20,29 December 2021 I receivedModerate reception from UTC 1800-1900, 3985Khz in Web SDR Twente.  SINPOwas 43333. Signal strength was good, Slight Noise and overall reception wasmoderate. Some days there was very poor reception, and I did not listen to any program. Pleaseimprove your reception quality. Irequest you to send Calendar 2022, Program Booklet, QSL and some souveniritems.  I also request youinclude me as a reception monitor in your radio station for the year2022.   Reception Report Date- 20,29  December2021Time (UTC) – 1800-1900Location-Khagra, Murshidabad, West Bengal, IndiaLanguage- EnglishFrequency – 3985 KHzSINPO- 43333Program Details- Daily News review, Report, Welcome to Belarus,Listeners Feedback program, Music Box - etc Receiver – Web SDR TwenteRemarks- Moderate Reception With best regards 


Dear Shivendu Paul and all the members of Metali Listeners' Club, thank you very much for your report! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too :) We'll send you some souvenirs as soon as we can. All the best, RBI

Константин Барсенков

Большое спасибо за оперативное реагирование на мою просьбу о редактировании моего сообщения (убрали почтовый адрес)! Сразу видно, что Вы действительно читаете письма, а не банально занимаетесь цензурой.
Ещё раз с наступающими праздниками и всего Вам самого доброго!
С уважением,
Константин Барсенков
Санкт-Петербург, Россия

И Вас с наступающим! :)


I received your Broadcast as stated below. My equipment was an Icom IC7600 + A Trapped Dipole.

16/09/2021 1703 3985 23333 TALK
06/11/2021 1740 3985 44344 TALK

Please QSL to email provided. Best wishes for Christmas and New Year from David

Dear David, thank you very much for your report. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! Unfortunately, we don't send e-QSLs, but if you tell us your address we'll send you a letter with a postcard :)

Константин Барсенков

Здравствуйте уважаемые сотрудники Радио Беларусь!
Большое спасибо за вашу работу и интересные передачи. Как радиолюбитель, хочу отдельно поблагодарить Вас за то, что находите возможность оставаться в эфире на коротких волнах, пусть и без программ на русском языке. Ничего страшного – у Вас замечательные ведущие английской редакции, с приятными голосами и прекрасным произношением. Кстати, среди каналов кабельного ТВ в нашем доме есть телеканал Беларусь 24. Так что новости и другие интересные передачи из Беларуси - наших замечательных и самых любимых соседей, можно узнать, всего лишь нажав кнопку на пульте телевизора (что я постоянно и делаю).
В начале этого года я отправил Вам рапорт о приёме программы Радио Беларусь на немецком языке (английскую тогда мне было не принять) по адресу radio_belarus[at]tvr.by. К сожалению, никакого ответа я так и не получил. Возможно, что моё письмо попало в спам Вашего почтового ящика или просто затерялось среди других. Сейчас решил попробовать ещё раз, обратившись к Вам через Guestbook.
В больших городах почти у всех любителей дальнего приёма есть проблемы с помехами электромагнитного характера и возможностью установки (натяжки) хорошей антенны. У меня сигнал Shortwaveservice на частоте 3985 kHz проходит не часто и обычно сопровождается теми самыми злосчастными помехами. Конечно, для качественного прослушивания и более детального определения контента я использую веб-приёмники в Европе, но только, как вспомогательные, т.к. для меня ценен приём именно на своём собственном оборудовании.
Ниже прилагаю рапорт о приёме Радио Беларусь с программой на английском языке и надеюсь вскоре получить Вашу QSL-карточку. Заранее благодарен.
Дата: 5 декабря 2021
Время UTC: 20.01-21.00
Частота: 3985 кГц (через передатчик Shortwaveservice, Германия)
SINPO: 35233 / видео приёма – https://youtu.be/lqZjt36S7wk
Приёмник: Р-250М2 (Советского производства, военного образца, ламповый)
Антенна: Long Wire (длинный луч) 27 м / на высоте 30 м над уровнем земли
Место приёма: Санкт-Петербург (в черте города), Россия
Монитор: Константин Барсенков
Детали программы:
20.01 Начало программы,ID станции, выпуск новостей
20.15 Рассказ о Беловежской пуще
20.18 Песня, объявления, анонсы, контактная информация станции
20.22 Урок белорусского языка (национальная кухня)
20.38 Рассказ о Гродненской области (“Welcome to Belarus”)
20.41 Музыкальная программа (Shuma / Belarus etno electronica)
Друзья, в преддверии новогодних праздников хочу пожелать всем сотрудникам Радио Беларусь, друзьям, родственникам, всему братскому славянскому народу Беларуси здоровья, мира и благополучия! Счастливого Нового года и Рождества!
К сожалению, в гостевой книге нет опции для прикрепления файла, но мою поздравительную открытку для Радио Беларусь Вы можете посмотреть и, если понравиться, скачать для коллекции почтового ящика, на моём Google Диске здесь: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tQkfID4WT2zpYQ78oePbsVzTRdc9Qax9/view?u...
Радио Беларусь в моём блоге: https://qsl-review.blogspot.com/2016/02/radio-belarus.html
С уважением и наилучшими пожеланиями,
Константин Барсенков

Константин, огромное спасибо за письмо! Мы обязательно отправим вам QSL и открытку. Оставайтесь с нами :)

Shivendu Paul

Letter No- 13(9/2021)
6 December 2021

English Service
Radio Belarus

Greetings from India. I am Shivendu Paul, West Bengal, India, a regular listener of Radio Belarus.

On 5 December 2021 I received Moderate reception from UTC 1800-1900, 3985Khz in Web SDR Twente. SINPO was 43333. Signal strength was good, Slight Noise and overall reception was moderate.
Reception Report
Date- 5 December 2021
Time (UTC) – 1800-1900
Location-Khagra, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Language- English
Frequency – 3985 KHz
SINPO- 43333
Program Details- Daily News review, Report, Welcome to Belarus, Listeners Feedback program, Music Box - etc
Receiver – Web SDR Twente
Remarks- Moderate Reception

With best regards
49/36, DR. S.G.DHAR LANE
W.B. 742103
Email- metalilistenersclub@gmail.com
Email- metalilistenersclub1@gmail.com New

Dear Shivendu Paul, thank you for your report. We'll send you a QSL and a postcard ASAP. 73, RBI

Nick Packham

Good evening Radio Belarus,

I'm listening to you via your online stream in Worthing which is on the south coast of the United Kingdom.

I really enjoyed listening to your programme 'Window to Belarus' and am still listening.

The online stream was perfect, with no interruptions or distortion.

If you have time, please could you send me a QSL card or information on your station for my international radio collection.

As it's December, I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas time.

Kind regards

Nick Packham

Dear Nick, thank you very much for your letter. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! Please tell us your address and we'll send you a QSL and a postcard :)


Dear Radio Belarus:
I am a listener from China. I have been listening to Belarusian radio stations for a long time. Since the opening of Chinese radio, I listen to it on time almost every week, live through streaming media . The Belarusian radio station's Chinese broadcast is very good, but the time may be too short, only about 20 minutes. I would like to take this opportunity to get your paper qsl card and souvenirs, I hope you can meet my request. Thanks !
My contact information is as follows:
Name: Ding Lu
Address: 28-3 Yikang Mingyuan, Qingshan Road, Chengjiang Street, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国江苏省江阴市澄江街道青山路颐康名苑28-301)
My phone number: + 8617798750310
Postcode :214432
Hope to receive your reply as soon as possible, thank you again Belarusian radio station!

Dear Ding Lu, thank you very much for your letter! We'll send you a QSL and a postcard as soon as possible. Stay safe and stay tuned, RBI

cláudio de oliveira carvalho

Prezados amigos e amigas de rádio Belarus,


Depois de um certo tempo sem lhes escrever e manter contato, hoje com grande alegria e satisfação volto a faze-lo.
Em breve estarei enviando presentes para o serviço em espanhol de rádio Belarus. Gostaria de saber se Larissa Suarez ainda trabalha no departamento de espanhol da emissora.
Um grande abraço para todos da rádio e fico aguardando resposta o mais breve possível.

Cláudio de Oliveira Carvalho.

Dear Cláudio, thank you very much for your letter! Unfortunately, Larisa Suarez no longer works here :( But still, the staff of RBI would like to express season's greetings and good wishes to you!

Кирилл Сосновский

Здравствуйте, уважаемые сотрудники Международного Радио Беларусь! Я коллекционирую атрибутику международных радиостанций. В этой связи хочу обратится со следующий просьбой. Не могли бы Вы прислать вымпел радиостанции, наклейки и буклет?
Мой адрес: 347871 Россия; Ростовская область; г. Гуково; ул.Крупской д.23, кв.13.

С наилучшими пожеланиями, Кирилл Сосновский.

Кирилл, мы обязательно отправим вам что-нибудь из нашей промо-продукции. Всего наилучшего, оставайтесь с нами :)

Shivendu Paul

Letter No- 10(6/2021)5 November 2021 DearEnglish ServiceRadio Belarus Greetings from India. I am Shivendu Paul,West Bengal, India, a regular listener of Radio Belarus.  On 3 and 4 November 2021 I receivedModerate reception from UTC 1800-1900, 3985Khz in Web SDR Twente.  SINPOwas 43333. Signal strength was good, Slight Noise and overall reception wasmoderate.Reception Report Date- On 3 and 4 November 2021Time (UTC) – 1800-1900Location-Khagra, Murshidabad, West Bengal, IndiaLanguage- EnglishFrequency – 3985 KHzSINPO- 43333Program Details- Daily News review, Report, Welcome to Belarus, ListenersFeedback program, Music Box - etc Receiver – Web SDR TwenteRemarks- Moderate Reception With best regards SHIVENDUPAUL METALILISTENERS' CLUB

Dear Shivendu Paul, thank you very much for your report! We'll send you a QSL via regular mail as soon as we can. Stay safe and stay tuned! 73, RBI :)


Добры дзень, Радыё Беларусь! Вельмі хацелася б мець магчымасць слухаць выпускі перадачы “Падарожжа ў глыбінку” у любы час. Ці можаце Вы загружаць выпускі на YouTube ці на Ваш сайт, бо не заўсёды ёсць магчымасць слухаць у пятніцу ці суботу. Знайшоў 6 выпускаў на YouTube, больш, на жаль, абнаўленняў няма.
Дзякуй за Вашую працу!

Паважаны Алег, дзякуй вам за тое, што слухаеце нас. У бліжэйшы час мы абновім “Падарожжа ў глыбінку” на нашых YouTube-канале і сайце. Усяго найлепшага, Радыё Беларусь.

marco eleuteri

heard your station on 3985 khz whit strong signal affected by some fading
but understandable.
i ll send you deatiled rec report by email.
many thanks in advance
Marco Eleuteri
Radio monitor center
Narni Italy

Dear Marco, thank you very much for your report! We'll send you a QSL via regular mail as soon as we can. 73, RBI

Mohammed Waheed

After compliments
I would like to take this opportunity to write to English service of Radio Belarus, and thanks to each and every member of English service on the presentation of beautiful and inspiring programs for world wide listeners.
Thanks s lot for quick response of listeners questions that mostly the responsible department fulfills the demands, and deeply think about new suggestions and accepts many requests. Thanks a lot. I am of course a new listener of Radio Belarus and follow your programs on internet and website. Could you please keep me in your regular listeners mailing list so as to receive your newsletter if any on regular basis and some informative literatures about the country's life, culture education and developments.
I would like to conclude my letter for the next time.
With warm wishes from

Dear Mohammed Waheed, thank you for writing to us and for your kind words! We'll send you a letter with some of our souvenirs ASAP via regular mail. Stay tuned and stay safe, RBI.


English service,
Radio Belarus
Good morning
This is my first experience to enter inside the Belarus English department. Recently I was known to be a Belarus Radio station which broadcasts a very interesting and informative programs along with latest news and many more.
Could you please send me the details of Schedule and program guides with more informative literature and souvenirs if possible.

Thanks and regards

Sabiha M
H.No 23-1-631/2
500002,Telangana State

Dear Sabiha M., thank you very much for listening to RBI. We'll send you our schedule and some promos. 73!

Eduardo Ferreira de Araujo


I'm from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and i loved to listen Radio Belarus International, in English, on shortwave 3985kHz. I wanna know which singer/music artist was playing in 16th Semptember 2021 broadcast at 19:50 UTC with wonderful songs till the end of the signal. Anyway, keep the good work!

Dear Eduardo, thank you very much for listening to us! The band is called "Soneika" (Sun in Belarusian). 73, RBI :)

Emisión por internet
11.40 Golden fund of Belarusian Radio (EN)

12.00 News (EN)

Horario en internet
Horario de emisión por satélite (ver parámetros de recepción aquí)
concurso de autofotos
Nuestras frecuencias

FM-transmisores y frecuencias:

Rakitnitsa - 106.2 МHz
Grodno - 95.7 МHz
Svisloch - 104.4 МHz
Gueraneny - 99.9 МHz
Braslav - 106.6 МHz
Myadel - 102.0 МHz

Radiodifusión por satélite:

ver parámetros de recepción aquí



Las emisiones