Great Stone Park to create 3,500 new jobs in 2024

The Great Stone Industrial Park plans to provide about 3,500 jobs this year, head of the industrial park administration Aleksandr Yaroshenko said in an interview to Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned.

According to Aleksandr Yaroshenko, the development plans for this year include further growth of opportunities. “We plan to grow further and provide about 3,500 new jobs. These are high-tech, innovative jobs, new professions, new opportunities,” he emphasized.
The head of the administration also outlined investment goals. “We have a task and we are moving towards its fulfilment - to ensure the attraction of almost $1 billion worth of investment in the park. Now we have approached the figure of more than $877 million,” Aleksandr Yaroshenko added.
This year the industrial park keeps maintaining the momentum gained in 2023, which was quite successful for the park. “We have registered eight new residents over the past month,” the head of the administration said. In total, the Great Stone is home to 127 resident companies.
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