Paris expects more tourists from Belarus


Paris hopes the flow of tourists from Belarus will increase, Patricia Barthelemy, head for promotion at the Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau, told media on the sidelines of the Destination Paris event.

The French delegation came to Minsk to advertise Paris as a tourist destination. The visit was organized by the France Tourism Development Agency Atout France and the Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau with the support of the French Embassy in Belarus. The delegation includes representatives of tourism business, hotels, museums, entertainment industry, shopping, and perfumery. They have already conducted a business workshop for the Belarusian party represented by 40 tour operators and agencies. The delegation’s main objective is to inform Belarusians about Paris’ new attractions and outline cooperation plans.

I got great impressions about the meetings and talks with the Belarusian partners. We are sure that the number of Belarusian guests in Paris will increase significantly,” Patricia Barthelemy said. “There are two important factors which influence the flow of tourists: direct flights and visa application centers. We have both,” she added.

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04.00 News (EN)

04.20 Civil Society/ (EN)

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