Lukashenko answers dozens of questions in over 7-hour dialogue with journalists

         President Alexander Lukashenko recent open dialogue with Belarusian and foreign journalists lasted more than seven hours, which is an absolute record of such meetings. It was held in a new format, as journalists not only asked questions but expressed their own views. The press representatives asked dozens of questions on a variety of topics: foreign and domestic policies of Belarus, economic and financial situation in the country. The conversation dealt with the Ukrainian topics and overall problems of security and peace. The meeting also touched upon the cooperation with Russia, the interaction within the framework of integration associations, including the State Union, the Eurasian Economic Union, and on the relations with the West. Alexander Lukashenko focused on cooperation with China, and many other topics.
The President gave honest, open and detailed answers to all questions, said Information Minister of Belarus Liliya Ananich. Everyone who wanted to communicate something to the head of state could do so openly and sincerely:
       “I think the most important thing that everyone present realized, is that our country has absolute freedom of speech.
          Everyone who wanted to say something to the head of state was able to do so, openly and directly. This is the highest expression of democracy and freedom of speech. The head of state sets a personal example here, by telling journalists everything, without any reservations or evasions.”

Emisión por internet
11.20 Le ministère des Affaires étrangères informe (FR)

11.40 白俄罗斯-您的朋友 (ZH)

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