Exhibition of Belarusian artist Yuri Yakovenko opens in Moscow

       About 200 works by Belarusian artist Yuri Yakovenko are on display in Moscow. The exhibition of his works “Engraved worlds: fruits, animals, kings” opened at the Belyayevo art gallery of the Moscow Exhibition Halls Company, BelTA reports. The pictures illustrate the process of formation and development of the elegant language of art of the renowned artist and introduce visitors of the exhibition to the wonderful surrealist world. The exhibition features separate pictures and series of engravings. The exhibition will also showcase works created by Yuri Yakovenko in cooperation with the Italian master. These are six unique pictures illustrating poems by the Greek poet. Besides, the exhibition includes ancient books "The Song of Solomon" and Nicolas Hussovianus' "Song of the Bison" with Yuri Yakovenko’s illustrations.
     By the way, copies of "Song of the Bison" with 13 illustrations by Yuri Yakovenko were presented to Pope Benedict XVI and Queen Elisabeth II on behalf of Belarus.

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11.00 Belarús hoy en dίa (ES)

11.20 Bélarus d’aujourd’hui (FR)

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