Belarus plans to increase presence in EU food market

        Belarus plans to increase its presence in the EU food markets, Belarus’ Deputy Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo said when speaking at the recently held third Belarusian forum of livestock producers, BelTA reported. One of the goals of the development of the meat and milk industry is gradual approximation of the national quality standards with the EU requirements. “Belarus has created a framework for regulating the quality and safety of raw materials and finished products,” he noted. Thanks to the modernization of the livestock industry, the quality of milk has improved significantly, he said. In September this year the share of extra grade milk reached 44% of total sales. For comparison: in 2009 this index was at the level of 2%. Five dairies already got the right to export their products to the European Union. Many Belarusian enterprises have been certified with the Halal and Kosher requirements.

تم إعداد قضية المعلومات على أساس المواد الراديو البيلاروسية الخاصة، وكالة المعلومات بيلتا ومصادر أخرى.

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" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"

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