Belarus’ approach to reforming UN operational activities receives support


       United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Mr Wu Hongbo supported the approach towards reforming the Organization’s operational activities suggested by Belarus as he met with Belarus’ Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Valentin Rybakov in New York, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports.
Belarus believes that instead of restructuring the entire system focus should be made on improving the existing mechanisms while maintaining a non-political nature of the reformed system and freedom of states in choosing the methods and actions to achieve the sustainable development goals.
        The parties also discussed the promotion of the Belarusian initiative on family in the UN and the preparation of the Conference of the UN Economic Commission for Europe

تم إعداد قضية المعلومات على أساس المواد الراديو البيلاروسية الخاصة، وكالة المعلومات بيلتا ومصادر أخرى.

المقابلات والبرامج

" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"

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