Vice Premier: Belarus to keep its budget socially oriented

Despite all financial difficulties Belarus will keep its budget socially-oriented, BelTA quotes Vice Premier Natalia Kochanova.

The policy of supporting socially vulnerable groups of people will remain among the priorities of the work of the Vice Premier, Natalia Kochanova said. “The main tasks have been clearly posed by head of state Alexander Lukashenko who stressed that the main thing is concern for people and justice,” she noted. The priorities of the social policy, which according to the Vice Premier are the focal point, include, first of all, the support of families with children and demographic security. “We will continue working to keep our state socially-oriented,” the Vice Premier said. First of all, it pertains to people with disabilities, elderly, children and large families. “This area should be further developed,” Natalia Kochanova emphasized.

تم إعداد قضية المعلومات على أساس المواد الراديو البيلاروسية الخاصة، وكالة المعلومات بيلتا ومصادر أخرى.

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" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
" بيلاروس بين يديك !"
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