International classical music festival opens in Brest

      The 25th international classical music festival January Soirees has opened in Brest. The first day of the festival features concerts of People’s Artist of Belarus Igor Olovnikov, young laureates of international contests, and the Zhinovich National Academic Folk Orchestra.
      During the solemn opening ceremony of the festival the Brest Academic Drama Theater will host concerts of the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Belarus, outstanding Russian tenor Vladislav Pyavko, People’s Artist of the Georgian SSR and People’s Artist of the USSR Liana Isakadze (violin), chamber orchestra Academia led by People’s Artist of Ukraine Artur Mikitka. Literature and music critic, essayist and TV host, People’s Artist of Russia Svyatoslav Belza will host the music forum.
       The music forum will be packed with events. January Soirees will introduce classical music lovers to new artists and world-famous performers. It is symbolic that the 25th festival will welcome musicians and singers from 25 countries. More than 700 musicians and performers, including 60 soloists, are expected to participate in the forum.


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Rakitnica - 106.2 MHz
Grodno - 95.7 MHz
Świsłocz - 104.4 MHz
Geraniony - 99.9 MHz
Brasław - 106.6 MHz
Miadzioł102.0 MHz


03.10.24 - 17.00
03.10.24 - 18.00