Serbia hopes to increase trade with Belarus to $500m

      Serbia believes its trade with Belarus can reach $500 million, First Deputy Prime Minister – Foreign Minister of Serbia Ivica Dacic told journalists after his meeting with Belarus’ Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei, BelTA reports.
     This is the first visit of Ivica Dacic to Belarus. The head of the Serbian Foreign Ministry believes that the visit was successful. “Our countries are connected by friendship ties, and we want to develop them in the future,” Ivica Dacic said.
      Belarus and Serbia have been gradually developing their trade and economic cooperation. However, Ivica Dacic agreed with Vladimir Makei that the $200 million bilateral trade is not high enough. The Serbian Foreign Minister expressed confidence that the two countries can increase the trade to $500 million. “This requires great coordinated efforts, but I believe that the figure is attainable,” he said.

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