Belarus government’s eurobond plans are unaffected by home market

       The floatation of bonds on the home market will not affect the plans to float eurobonds, Belarusian Finance Minister Andrei Kharkovets told media.
       Commenting about the Finance Ministry’s deal to float foreign currency bonds worth $100 million with the maturity period of three years on the home market that had been bought by OJSC BelVEB Bank, Andrei Kharkovets remarked that the deal was a test for the ministry. The Finance Minister did not specify the borrowing cost. “The capacity of the home market is small. For us the deal was a test one. We will try to talk to investors one more time. If there is an interest in this instrument, we will develop it more actively,” he said.
      Let’s note that the Finance Ministry intends to offer bonds nominated in foreign currency to natural persons in Belarus by the end of 2012.
      The Finance Minister underlined that the floatation of bonds on the home market will not affect the government plans to float eurobonds. Thus, the Finance Ministry intends to stage a “roadshow” for eurobonds in October-November 2012. The eurobonds may be floated in early 2013, Andrei Kharkovets said.

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14.20 Le ministère des Affaires étrangères informe (FR)

14.40 白俄罗斯-您的朋友 (ZH)

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