Turkmenistan Ambassador: Culture is the foundation of civilized relations

         Culture is the foundation of civilized relations between people, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to Belarus Murad Yazberdiev said at the opening ceremony of the Turkmenistan Days of Culture, BelTA reports. Murad Yazberdiev emphasized that Belarus and Turkmenistan have rich cultural traditions, part of which was shaped by the common history. “The acquaintance with the national legacy of each other and modern realities promote unity between the two countries,” the Ambassador added.
        According to Culture Minister of Belarus Boris Svetlov, cultural cooperation has a special mission to enhance friendship between the two states.
The Days of Culture of Turkmenistan will finish on 26 July. Art groups from Turkmenistan will give performances in the Dunin-Martsinkevich Mogilev Oblast Drama and Comedy Theater. The National History Museum will display exhibits from the Mary Province Local History Museum.

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