Belarus, Croatia intend to sign agreement on economic cooperation

        Belarus and Croatia are planning to sign an agreement on economic cooperation,
the press service of the Belarusian Embassy in Russia told media commenting on the meeting between Ambassador of Belarus to the Russian Federation Igor Petrishenko and Ambassador of Croatia to the Russian Federation and concurrently to Belarus Igor Pokaz in Moscow. The parties discussed the results of the bilateral political ministerial consultations at the level of deputy foreign ministers in Zagreb this May, and outlined the joint steps to implement the agreements reached during the consultations. "Plans have been made to sign an intergovernmental agreement on economic cooperation, create a Belarusian-Croatian intergovernmental commission for trade and economic cooperation, to hold a bilateral business forum in Minsk, to strengthen inter-parliamentary cooperation, and organize thematic ministerial consultations on consular issues," the press service noted.
       In 2013 the bilateral trade amounted to $31.8 million, of them $17 million was Belarusian export.

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