Belarus and Armenia should step up efforts to boost the bilateral trade

        Belarus and Armenia should step up efforts to boost the bilateral trade, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Armenia to Belarus Armen Khachatryan told reporters. The diplomat noted that the bilateral trade exceeded $25 million in January-July 2012. Belarus’ export to Armenia was estimated at $21.7 million, up by 51.4% compared to the same period last year. Armenia’s export to Belarus stood at $3.5 million, up by 61.6%. Belarus is Armenia’s third biggest trading partner in the CIS following only Russia and Ukraine.
        “Although the bilateral trade has soared more than 1.5 times over the last year, I am very unhappy about the figures, because Belarus and Armenia have tremendous cooperation prospects and we should intensify our efforts and create mutually beneficial terms, while businessmen will always find necessary partners,” the diplomat said.
        The ambassador pointed that the two countries are investing much effort in establishing cooperation in the manufacturing industry. Belarus and Armenia have developed a substantial legal framework consisting of over 60 interstate agreements and treaties. Interregional cooperation is gaining momentum; cultural links are expanding. The ambassador praised collaboration in foreign policy.

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