Six Slutsk sashes loaned from the National Museum in Warsaw will go on display at the National Art Museum of Belarus

        Six Slutsk sashes loaned from the National Museum in Warsaw will go on display at the National Art Museum of Belarus, BelTA quotes head of ancient Belarusian art at the National Art Museum of Belarus Yelena Karpenko.
        The National Museum in Warsaw has the richest collections of sashes: some 300 kontush belts, 58 of which were made in Belarus’s Slutsk. Five belts which will be on display in Minsk were made by Slutsk Manufactory in the period when it was led by Yan and Leon Madjarski (1767-1807). One belt was made after 1807. The belts were purchased by the museum from private persons in the 1940-1960s.
       As noted by Yelena Karpenko, the exhibition is part of the state program for the revival of the ancient art of weaving. This is not the first exhibition when Slutsk belts temporarily return home. Minsk loans the exhibits from Moscow, Vilnius, and Lvov.

Jetzt auf Sendung:
16.20 International Review (EN)

Weiter auf Sendung:
16.40 Ladies' Club (EN)

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Hallo liebes Radio und ALLES GUTE zum 34.Geburtstag der deutschen Redaktion. So lange kenne ich Radio Belarus noch gar nicht, aber wenn Du liebe Jana und liebe Elena die nächsten 34 Jahre hier weiterhin am Start seit, dann bin ich es als Hörer auch, versprochen!! :-) ) LG Dietmar


Lieber Dietmar,

vielen Dank für Deine Glückwünsche!!
Ich bin auch nicht vom Anfang an hier. Wollen wir trotzdem so viel wie möglich zusammen bleiben! ;)
Liebe Grüße und alles Gute


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29.12.2021 Program Block 1
29.12.2021 Program Block 2