Zinovsky: EBRD understands that Belarus is worth investment

      The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) understands that Belarus is worth investment, Economy Minister of Belarus Vladimir Zinovsky said in an interview to the ONT TV Channel. “The EBRD is still examining our country, but the progress is evident. They are leaving certain countries due to different reasons, including, perhaps, political ones. Therefore, we have a real chance to demonstrate our significant investment market,” Vladimir Zinovsky said. The EBRD headquarters in London played host to the signing of an investment agreement between the Economy Ministry of Belarus and the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) that advances environmental projects in Northern and Central Europe. “The agreement is estimated at €90 million, and it is quite realistic for us to develop the resources within two or three years,” the minister added. The agreement was signed by Economy Minister of Belarus Vladimir Zinovsky and Managing Director of NEFCO Magnus Rystedt.

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