Eurasian Economic Union became operational

      2015 saw the launch of the Eurasian Economic Union of Russia, Belaus, Kazakhstan and Armenia. Belarus is the first country to hold the chairmanship in the organization.
As stated by first secretary of the Russia Embassy in Belarus Aleksei Studniarski, the union will help achieve a new level of integration and closer economic cooperation:
     “These countries create a powerful center of economic development, a large regional market bringing together over 170 million people with a huge economic,
 scientific and technical potential and vast natural resources. The geographic location of the countries makes it possible to create logistic routes of regional and global importance.
As the agreement was signed, it was stated clearly that the Eurasian Economic Union will be based on universal and transparent WTO principles.”

Emissions sur Internet
02.20 Bélarus de A à Z (FR)

02.40 白俄罗斯-您的朋友 (ZH)

Horaires sur Internet
Horaire des émissions par satellite (voir les paramètres de réception ici)
concours de selfies
Nos fréquences

Les emetteurs FM et leur couverture:

Rakitnitsa – 106.2 MHz
Grodno – 95.7 MHz
Svisloch – 104.4 MHz
Gerniony – 99.9 MHz
Braslav – 106.6 MHz
Miadel – 102.0 MHz

Radiodiffusion par satellite :

voir les paramètres de réception ici
