Belarus, Russia sign preliminary food supply balance sheets for 2015

          Belarus and Russia signed the preliminary demand and supply balance sheets regarding staple foods in the Union State in 2015, BelTA quotes head of the foreign economic affairs department at the Belarusian Agriculture and Food Ministry Alexei Bogdanov. “They are to be approved at a Minsk session in January,” he said. He noted: “All in all, the supplies of Belarusian products will increase next year”.
        The Agriculture and Food Ministry of Belarus believes that the draft balance sheets will not be amended. Speaking about the fulfillment of the food supply targets in 2014, Alexei Bogdanov noted: “We need to wait for the end of the year, but I think that in general the figure will make up 100%.” The Agriculture and Food Ministry believes that there will not be any problems with the fulfillment of the food supply balance sheets next year, because the Belarusian companies included in Russia’s import ban list will soon resume their export to Russia.

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