Belarus, Latvia to develop infrastructure to reduce border queue time

         Belarus and Latvia will be developing border infrastructure in order to reduce the border queue time, Latvian Transport Minister Anrijs Matiss told journalists after the tenth session of the Belarus-Latvia intergovernmental commission for economic and sci-tech cooperation held in Minsk, BelTA reports.
“We have no serious problems in the bilateral transportation. Naturally, we have queues now on the border because many companies choose to cross the border between Latvia and Belarus, and not between Latvia and Russia while transporting goods,” Anrijs Matiss noted. He said that the queues became longer also because the mutual trade between Belarus and Latvia increased. Anrijs Matiss pointed out that in order to reduce the queue time, Belarus and Latvia should develop the border infrastructure. Anrijs Matiss pointed out that at the moment the Urbany crossing point has been undergoing upgrade to enhance its throughput capacity. “This will allow serving more vehicles. We have discussed the need to build at least three traffic lanes in each direction in order to increase the traffic throughput,” he noted.

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