Foreign interest in Belarus furniture market on the rise

      An interest from foreign consumers to the Belarusian furniture market is on the rise, First Deputy Trade Minister Alexander Zabello said at the Furniture 2013 trade show in Minsk.
According to the Bellesbumprom specialists, the Furniture 2013 is the biggest business venue for signing supplies contracts next year. “The expo features the latest technological solutions and designs, advanced materials and spare parts. Communication between specialists and businessmen will help address a wide range of issues and outline development prospects in the furniture industry,” Bellesbumprom said. The companies got an opportunity to present their novelties, establish new business contacts and discuss possible cooperation.
     There are more than 300 producers of furniture in Belarus. Twenty of them make part of Bellesbumprom. The total number of employees at these plants is about 20,000. Furniture accounts for one third of the total output of the enterprises affiliated with the concern.  

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