Belarus and Poland do not fully use cooperation capacity

      Belarus and Poland do not use the economic cooperation capacity to the full, Chairman of the Poland-Belarus Chamber of Commerce and Industry Jozef Lochowski told the 16th Belarusian-Polish Economic Forum Good Neighborliness in Minsk.
     “In 2011 the bilateral trade exceeded $3 billion, but this is only half of what it could be. We are capable and well-positioned to double the figure. Some countries that are more far away from each other than Belarus and Poland have a bigger trade; therefore, we need to make most of our capacities and boost the trade,” Jozef Lochowski said. Therefore, the economic forum Good Neighborliness aims not only to communicate best practices and information, but also to address current issues of the bilateral agenda.
     The forum will contribute to improving economic relations between Belarus and Poland. It will become another contribution to optimizing business terms for Belarusian and Polish entrepreneurs.
     “Today over 600 Polish companies operate on the Belarusian market, which means that an increasing amount of Polish capital is coming to Belarus. It proves that Belarus is a stable and solvent market,” Jozef Lochowski said.

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