Culture ministries of Belarus, Sri Lanka ink cooperation agreement

      The Belarusian Culture Ministry and the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Sri Lanka have signed an interagency agreement on cooperation as part of Culture Days of Inonesia in our country. The document was signed by Belarusian Culture Minister Boris Svetlov and Sri Lankan Culture and Arts Minister Wijesundara Mudiyanselage Thilakaratna Bandara Ekanayaka
        Boris Svetlov pointed out that the visit of his Sri-Lankan colleague was unique, because first came the did, and than the written word:
      “Last year president Mohinda Rajapaksa visited our country, and during the meeting with Ambassador of Sri-Lanka to Belarus an agreement was reached to hold Days of Sri-Lanka culture in our country. These Days did take place, and in conclusion of this event we signed an agreement which opens up new prospects for our cooperation.”
        In particular, the document provides for sharing experience between folk craft masters of the two countries, organization of tours and creative meetings for theater artists. Sri Lankan Cinema Days in Belarus will be the first project to be implemented as part of the agreement.

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