SES and CIS expect breakthrough projects from businessmen

       The governments of the SES and CIS member states expect breakthrough projects from the business community, Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich said at the business forum Yalta Business Meetings.
       “We expect promising, breakthrough projects from businessmen. I think such projects will acquire a new form within the framework of the Customs Union and the Single Economic Space; additional opportunities will emerge for setting up joint ventures,” the Premier noted. Transnational corporations are the thing of the future when it comes to integration projects.
       “We will elaborate the legal framework, sign interstate documents, while you should be proactive and materialize the things we are working on,” Mikhail Myasnikovich said. He noted that promising projects will be upheld, including on the level of the government.
        The Premier spoke about tangible benefits for the members of integration unions. “Some think that any integration is associated with some loss of sovereignty, the need to give or forfeit something. Those are incompetent speculations that are far from reality. Integration is always beneficial,” he said. Mikhail Myasnikovich mentioned the SES and the Customs Union. Last year the trade between its members rose by 40%. “Over the eight months this year we added another 18% to it,” he reminded.

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