Vitebsk 2014 Grand Prix goes to Mexico

       Rodrigo de la Cadena of Mexico has won the Grand Prix of the international song contest Vitebsk 2014.
A diploma and the prize money of $20,000 were solemnly presented to the Mexican singer during the award ceremony at the Vitebsk Oblast Philharmonic Hall. Rodrigo de la Cadena also got the special prize Lira at the closing concert of the International Festival of Arts Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk later that night.
The first prize went to Vitalie Negruta from Moldova. The second prize was presented to Ukraine’s Veronika Dorosh and Croatia’s Dino. By the way, Dino won the Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2003. The third prize was shared by Diana Golbi from Israel and Markhaba Sabiyeva from Kazakhstan.. They also got the special prize Lira and the diplomas.

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