Voting organization in Belarus at European level

Voting was arranged in Belarus on par with European nations, Vladimir Churov, Head of Russia’s Central Election Commission, told media. Vladimir Churov worked in Belarus as an observer.

“The organization of the voting process and the equipment of polling stations were in full compliance with Belarusian laws and were as good as those in other European countries,” said the Head of the Russia CEC.

Vladimir Churov remarked he was slightly surprised by the small number of observers at the polling stations he had visited. The number varied mainly between one and four. In Baranovichi Vladimir Churov visited a polling station where only one candidate was left because two candidates had dropped out of the race. “But it was displayed in line with the Belarusian legislation. Information about them had been removed and voters had been notified about it,” said the Head of Russia’s CEC.

Vladimir Churov said that he had started the observation process by visiting five polling stations in Brest. “Including the polling station, in which we took a practical interest. I’d say it was the most transparent polling station I’ve seen today literally because all the walls were made of glass,” he remarked.

After that Vladimir Churov went to Kobrin and visited not only the polling stations in the town but also those in an agro-town nearby.

In his words, the observations will be summarized and information will be sent to colleagues in the Belarusian Central Election Commission.

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