Belarus interested in Mozambique’s proposal to set up joint ventures

       Belarus will carefully consider Mozambique’s proposal to set up joint ventures in mechanical engineering and agriculture, Belarusian Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich said as he met with Prime Minister of Mozambique Alberto Vaquina in Minsk.
“We uphold the proposal to establish joint ventures, first of all, in mechanical engineering and agriculture. Belarus might also train highly qualified personnel for these companies. Cooperation in science and technology is also on the agenda. Besides, we are ready to consider providing financial solutions alongside with goods delivery in order to make the bilateral cooperation in trade and economy and joint investment projects even more attractive.
We are ready to consider concessions and outsourcing in the development of coal deposits and deposits of other mineral resources. Belarus can offer the necessary financial solutions in order to implement these projects. This might as well include export loans“.

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15.20 Press Club (EN)

15.40 Heritage (EN)

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