Belarus ahead of Russia, Ukraine in Social Progress Index 2014

       Belarus is ranked 58th in the Social Progress Index 2014 ahead of Russia (80th) and Ukraine (62nd), we learned from the report which is available on the website of the analytical project Social Progress Imperative.
Apart from that, Belarus is ranked higher than such post-Soviet states as Armenia (60th), Azerbaijan (73rd), Moldova (81st), Kazakhstan (86th), Uzbekistan (92nd), Kyrgyzstan (93rd), Tajikistan (95th). Belarus is placed higher than China (90th). Estonia is ranked 19th, Latvia 31st, Lithuania 33rd.
      The ranking takes into account such basic needs of a person as food, access to water, healthcare, personal security. Apart from that, the ranking draws attention to the access to basic knowledge, information resources and communications, ecology. According to the report, Belarus boasts a low level of maternal and infant mortality, a good level of literacy among adults. There are no problems with religious tolerance in Belarus.
        The first ranking was published in Oxford (Great Britain) in 2013. It ranked 50 countries. This year the ranking includes 132 states.

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