FM: Belarus eager to team up with NAM countries to build multipolar world order


Belarus, together with its partners in the Non-Aligned Movement, needs to be at the forefront of efforts to shape a multipolar world order, promote common sense and justice in the world, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik said in an interview with BelTA.

"If the powers that be listened more to the voice of small and medium-sized states, then we probably would not have such a host of problems today," Sergei Aleinik said. "We think that time has come for Belarus, together with its partners in the Non-Aligned Movement, to pitch in and be at the forefront of the fight for multipolar world order, common sense and justice in the world."

During the NAM Ministerial Meeting held in Baku in early July, Belarus traditionally put forward a number of initiatives that "correspond to the spirit of the organization and the spirit of the times and that are aimed at ensuring a more harmonious development of international relations and finding ways to solve global challenges and problems that humanity is facing today,” Sergei Aleinik noted.

"Almost all of our initiatives found universal support among the NAM member countries," Sergei Aleinik said.

For example, at the initiative of Belarus and a number of other countries, the consolidated approaches of the NAM member countries against unilateral coercive measures and sanctions were reflected in the final declaration. "The unacceptability of the use of such tools in international politics was emphasized," the minister said. “Separately, we highlighted the topic of food security, which today is a very important matter for the Global South. Unilateral measures and sanctions have a direct impact on food security in many countries and regions. Our partners are in solidarity with this."

The provision on the need  to depoliticize sport and eradicate discrimination on the basis of nationality in international sports was also included in the final declaration at the initiative of Belarus. "This proposal [by Belarus] was supported by all NAM member countries without exception. This is quite an impressive signal for the International Olympic Committee, and I hope it will heed it. This part of the Baku Declaration confirms the support of the majority of the international community for this initiative," the minister said.

Among the initiatives promoted by Belarus, the minister also named the provisions on sustainable development, combating human trafficking, and preventing the creation of new types of weapons of mass destruction.

"Within the framework of NAM, Belarus actively upholds the primacy of international law and seeks to promote not only its national interests, but also actively participates in the development of collective decisions on all topical issues on the global agenda. We are working to strengthen the capacity and role of NAM in the current difficult geopolitical environment. Such a position garners respect among the NAM member countries and enhances the role of Belarus and its authority in the organization. We plan to use the NAM platform to promote our new initiatives to establish a dialogue in the spirit of San Francisco and to develop a 21st century diversity charter. These are the documents that we still have to work on and that will lay a good foundation for the formation of a just multipolar world order. They will reflect the necessary changes that need to be made to the modern world order in order for it to become more just and democratic," Sergei Aleinik summed up.


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English Service
Radio Belarus,

Greetings to all staff and listeners of English Service of Radio Belarus.
We listen your webcast program. Your program quality is very nice. Your website is colorful & documented.
We liked your programs, News, and Current Affairs Program. We are interested about Culture, life style of Belarusian people, historical places, Tourist attraction and destination of Belarus.
Please send some program schedule (A19), Calendar , sticker, view card, Promotional items of Radio Belarus for our club members and students.
21st June was fifth International Yoga Day observed across the world. The theme for Yoga Day 2019 was "Yoga for Climate Action”. On this day, which is dedicated to inner and outer well-being of human body, people across the world practice yoga in groups. The International Day of Yoga aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga, a physical, mental and spiritual practice.
We send you some photos related the program which was held in our area on the occasion of International Yoga Day. Our club members are also practice some Yoga.
We are waiting for your reply.

With best wishes,


Dear Shivendu Paul and Metali Listeners' Club,

dthank you for your comment! We'll send you some of our souvenirs ASAP.
Stay tuned and 73,

Hallo Radio Belarus,

ja der Dieter Leupold ist jetzt auch hier im Gästebuch vertreten... Super, bald sind wir alle zusammen hier im "Belarus Hörerclub", Dieter könnte 1.Vorsitzender werden und Jana und Elena Ehrernmitglieder, Helmut Matt Schriftführer, Alfred Albrecht Beisitzer und ich mache Hausmeister:-) Lutz Winkler wie fit bist Du bereits wieder, für Dich finden wir auch eine nette Aufgabe:-) Beste Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende.



Lieber Dietmar,

das stimmt, für alle finden wir im Hörerklub eine Aufgabe!:)
Liebe Grüße und einen guten Start in die Woche!

I recently learned my surname is not Polish, but Belarusian. I heard you on shortwave in the past and am so happy to listen online in English. We hear nothing about Belarus here in the US so I am so glad to learn about your country. Keep on broadcasting in English. I also joined the Hoererklub on Facebook as I can understand German. If you have information or a station pennant, I will very much appreciate it.
Sheryl Paszkiewicz, 1015 Green St, Manitowoc WI 54220 USA


Dear Sheryl, thank you very much for listening to us! We'll send you some of our souvenirs as soon as we can. By the way, if you're interested, you can participate in our "The Old Country's Loving Call" project and send a greeting to Belarus. You can find more detailed information at

Also, in case you like sports, here's the link to an international competition of ours "My Greetings to 2nd European Games"

73 from the entire staff of RBI! Прывiтанне з Малой Радiзмы :)

Hello from Birmingham United Kingdom!

My name is Michael.

I really enjoyed listening to your program on the Hotbird satellite 13e. I very much love listening to your news and current affairs.
Ask you to send me a small gifts. I hope you guys are all good.

Lots of love from UK

Especially enjoying learning about Belarus. History and culture

Michael Rogers

Flat 2 463 City road Birmingham

B17 8LG

United Kingdom



thank you very much for listening to us! We're glad that you enjoy our programs. We'll send you some of our souvenirs as soon as we can. Best regards and stay tuned!

Hello. I am a new listener to your English service. I listen on the Radio 1 News app. I enjoyed listening to the news. Do you have any information on shortwave broadcasts you can send me?

Thank you,

Joe Cosimo

23 Ivy Ln, Dupont, PA 18641 U.S.A.


Dear Joe, thank you for listening to Radio Belarus International! We're glad that you enjoyed our news. RBI broadcasts on shortwave only in German on 6005 and 3985 kHz. News and programs in English are available via our website and satellites. We'll also send you a postcard and a small souvenir as soon as we can. 73!


My name is Younes Lazazi, I am from Algeria.
I am very happy that radio Belarus has started broadcasting in Arabic.
I would like to receive stickers and printed matter of the station and the Arabic and french services if possible.
My address:

Monsieur Younes Lazazi 14 rue Maza Boualem El-Harrach 16009 Alger Algérie

Thank you.


Dear Younes Lazazi,

we're happy that you like our boradcasts. We'll send you some of our printed materials via mail in the nearest future. 73!

Dear English Service Radio Belarus,

Greetings to all staff and listeners of English Service of Radio Belarus. We listen your webcast program. Your program quality is very nice. Your website is colorful & documented. We liked your programs, News, and Current Affairs Program. We are interested about Culture, life style of Belarusian people, historical places, Tourist attraction and destination of Belarus.

Please send some program schedule, sticker, view card, Promotional items of Radio Belarus for our club members and students.

We are waiting for your reply.

With best wishes,



Metali Listeners' Club



Dear Shivendu Paul,

thank you very much for listening to us! Your club is among our most dedicated listeners. We will send you some of our promotional products as soon as possible. 73!


Did the arabic programmes start? I don't see them on your Internetcast schedule page. Thanks!


Hello! The Arabic programmes have been on air since October, every Monday. You can see the schedule and listen to them on our Arabic page


FM transmitters and frequencies:

Rakitnitsa - 106.2 MHz
Hrodna - 95.7 MHz
Svislach - 104.4 MHz
Heraniony - 99.9 MHz
Braslau - 106.6 MHz
Miadzel - 102.0 MHz

Satellite broadcasting:

see satellite parameters here



Daily News Review 14.6.24