The Taste of France gastronomic festival is taking place across 18 restaurants of Minsk


   The Taste of France gastronomic festival is taking place across 18 restaurants of Minsk. In total, the festival has united over 3,000 restaurants of the world. Belarusian chefs are confident that it is possible demonstrate the high level of French gastronomy using local ingredients. Importing products from France is not necessary, because even in Belarus, there are birds that are grown specifically for foie-gras – a dish that is favoured by all the gourmets in the world.
   French cuisine is not just the trend setter of gastronomic fashion in the world of gourmets, but also a kind of a phenomenon. It was inscribed it in UNESCO cultural heritage list. The French gastronomy is one of the few national cuisines of the world that is included in this list.
   The motif of this season’s gastronomic festival is one of the French regions – Nouvelle-Aquitaine famous for its vineyards, cheeses, and oysters. The festival is a unique tribute to one of the world’s best cuisines.

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