Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Italy Alexander Guryanov will negotiate supplies of Belarusian textile with Italian businessmen in Milan.

       Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Italy Alexander Guryanov will negotiate supplies of Belarusian textile with Italian businessmen in Milan. Alexander Guryanov has arrived in Milan to attend the 23rd Milano Unica Textile Fair which is underway at the exhibition center Fiera Milano. The Italian textile salon held as part of the fair will feature a booth with products of Orsha Linen Mill set up with the participation of the Belarusian Embassy in Italy and the Belarusian Consulate General in Milan.
    Alexander Guryanov will meet with the Milano Unica organizers and Italian businessmen interested in Belarusian textile.

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18.00 News from Belarus (EN)

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