Grodno teachers to teach native tongue to Belarusians in Sacramento, USA

    Grodno secondary school No. 32 and a school from Sacramento, USA will tightly cooperate in teaching Belarusian, BelTA learned from Zoya Kulesha, Deputy Chairwoman of the Grodno City Executive Committee.
        Opportunities for cooperation between education institutions in Belarus and the USA were revealed after Larisa Gonchar, director of the school based in Sacramento, USA, a former native of Belarus, met with representatives of the Grodno city administration. Larisa Gonchar noted that families originating in Belarus are interested in getting their children to know their native language. Zoya Kulesha said that cooperation had been spurred by the visit of Grodno Mayor Mechislav Goi to the USA.
        At a roundtable session representatives of the two schools exchanged their experience and shared modern methods of teaching Belarusian. This kind of cooperation will become regular. Relations between the schools may further develop via exchange programs for students and teachers, via the implementation of joint educational projects.

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