Belarus President okays leaner Investigation Committee

     President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko heard out a report from Chairman of the Investigation Committee Mr Valery Vakulchik.
     The meeting touched upon the improvement and optimization of the operation of the Investigation Committee, the fulfillment of relevant instructions given by the head of state, and the progress in investigating several cases personally monitored by the head of state.
Alexander Lukashenko was interested in how the establishment of the Investigation Committee was going and stressed the importance of the decision to set it up.
     The head of state said:
“You should report all the time whether we have committed some errors. If any errors are committed, they have to be corrected immediately. You see what processes Russia and other countries faced as they tried to separate investigation into virtually an independent government agency. Therefore, taking into account these shortcomings we should try to avoid errors in Belarus.
     I am interested to know what is going on for real. All in all, there is an entire complex of questions regarding the stronger investigation in the country and, consequently, results of the work.”
According to Valery Vakulchik, citizens and law enforcement personnel positively respond to the re-organization and the efforts of the Investigation Committee. The President was also informed about the optimization of the Investigation Committee structure.

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