Moscow hosted talks between Prime-Minister of Belarus and Russia

     Moscow hosted talks between Prime-Minister of Belarus and Russia Andrei Kobiakov and Dmitry Medvedev. They discussed bilateral relations, and cooperation within the newly established Eurasian Economic Union:
          “The previous meeting of the Union State Council of Ministers took place in Minsk in October last year, and I think that the next is to take place in the Russian Federation in the first half of 2015.
           Recently we have seen certain emerging negative trends in our bilateral trade turnover, which can be put down to a number of objective and subjective factors. We look back at the record-high figures of 2012, when the trade between our countries stood at nearly 43 billion USD. Now it is 37 billion. We have to discuss what is happening to our trade turnover and the measures that are to be taken to restore peak trade volumes we used to have a short while ago.”

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