Belkommunmash to ship rapid trams to Saint Petersburg by year end

      By the end of the year the Belarusian mechanical engineering company Belkommunmash will ship three rapid trams to Saint Petersburg, Russia.
     The “northern capital” of Russia will get model 843 trams. Those are low-floor double-articulated trams with two motor bogies and one carrier bogie as well as a digital control system. The tram has implemented CAN technologies and energy-saving technologies.
     At present model 843 trams can be seen only in Minsk. The shipment to Saint Petersburg will be the first export batch of such products.
     The Belarusian mechanical engineering company Belkommunmash is a major manufacturer of electric transport for urban passenger transportation in Belarus and the CIS. It was founded in 1973 and in 2011 it was re-incorporated as OJSC Belkommunmash Holding Management Company.
     It is a state company established by the Minsk City Executive Committee. Belkommunmash now makes trolleybuses and trams. The latest products include the hybrid bus A420 and the fire truck ATs-8.

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21.20 Internationale Rundschau (DE)

21.40 Das belarussische Jungsein (DE)

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